Exam Instructions


Exam Instructions

 Based on the provisions of Clause (2) of Article (37) of the Higher Education and Scientific Research Law No. (40) of 1988, the following instructions are issued:

   First - The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research determines the academic system in Colleges and Institutes.
   Second - The Section Council may suggest changing no more than (10%) of the contents for each subject, and this is confirmed by the approval of the college council.

First – The College Council or the Institute Council, upon a suggestion from the Section or Department Council in the college that have no Sections, determines the number and type of annual pursuit exams, how they are conducted, and calculating their percentages, provided that the annual pursuit Mark is not less than (30%) and not more than (50%) of the final Mark, except for topics of a practical and applied nature, it is left to calculate their percentages to the University Council or the Council of the Institutes Authority.
Second - Examinations of the final year of medical colleges are comprehensive, and the annual pursuit of sixth-year subjects in medical colleges is (20%) of the final Mark.

First – The quarterly or annual examination for the first and second trials shall be confidential in all subjects.

 Second -  

 Third - The quarterly or annual examination includes the subjects that given during these periods, provided that the study period for the quarterly lessons is not less than (15) weeks and the annual lessons is not less than (30) weeks. Examinations and school holidays are not included in that.


 The faculty member is required to program the contents of the given subjects and announce this at the beginning of the academic year.


The college or institute council, upon a suggestion of the dean, creates one or more committees for the final exams.

The minimum passing mark is (50%) in each subject.


Every two quarterly subjects in colleges that adopt the quarterly system is considered to be one annual subject.


If the student does not obtain the minimum passing mark in less than half of the subjects prescribed for the academic year, he shall repeat the examination in the second trial in the subjects in which he did not obtain the minimum passing mark in the first trial examination or in which he did not perform the examination, and he shall keep the annual pursuit mark when he participates in the second trial examination.
Second - An exception to the provision (first) of this article is for the student of the final year to take the second trial exam, regardless of the number of subjects in which he did not obtain the minimum passing mark, and he keeps the degree of annual pursuit when he participates in the second trial exam.

First - The student is considered a failure if he does not obtain a minimum passing mark in at least half of the subjects in the first trial exam, with the exception of students of the final years.
Secondly - If the student in the second trial does not obtain a minimum passing mark in any of the subjects in which he was examined or does not participate in the examination, he shall be considered a failure in that year, and he shall attend that year including examinations in all the subjects in which he failed, as well as subjects that he obtained a rate (acceptable) and the provisions of Article (14) shall not be applied to the student.
Third - The failing student is exempted from the deleted subjects and demands the new subjects in case of changing the curricula.

A student is considered to be failed in any subject if his absences exceed (10%) of the hours defined for that subject without a legitimate excuse or (15%) with a legitimate excuse approved by the College or Institute council.


The student can participates in the examinations of the second trial if his failure to participate in the examinations of the first trial was due to a legitimate excuse that the college council or the institute council was convinced of, or by a formal medical report.


Academic subjects of a practical or applied nature that do not have a final exam is excluded from the second trial exam, which is determined by the College or Institute Council at the beginning of the year and announced to students.


The second trial exams can not be postponed in any case.

The final Mark of the successful student in the second trial is calculated according to the following:
First - (10) marks subtracted form each subject, if the exam is in the second trial was with a legitimate excuse that the college or institute council is convinced of, except for the successful with a rate of (acceptable) in any subject, so his Mark will be ( 50%).
Second - If his exam is in the second trial without a legitimate excuse, then his mark will be (50%).


  The Sector Councel submits the final results along with its recommendations, to the college or institute council for approval and announcement.


 First - the student's average is calculated on the basis of the marks he obtained in each subject, taking into account the number of units for each subject.
Second - The unit is considered a weekly hour's effort for a period of (15) weeks.
Third - Every two or three practical hours in colleges is equivalent to one theoretical hour, and what exceeds that is equal to two theoretical hours. In Institutes, a practical hour is considered equal to theoretical hour.


 Graduation rank for the student according to the following:
2- In studies that last for 4 years, the distribution of the percentages of years is as follows:
 first year 10%
 2nd year 20%
 third year 30%
 Fourth year 40%
 3- The student's average for each year is multiplied by the percentage indicated for that, and the total for the 4 years is the student's graduation average.
Secondly - In studies of a period of (5) years, the distribution of the percentages of years is as follows, and the graduation average is calculated as stated in the (first):
 First year 5%
 Second year 10%
 Third year 15%
 Fourth year 30%
 Fifth year 40%
 Third - In studies of a duration of (6) years, the distribution of the percentages of years is as follows, and the graduation average is calculated as stated in the first:

  First year 5%
  Second year 5%
  Third year 5%
  Fourth year 20%
  Fifth year 25%
  Sixth year 40%

The results are announced with  following ratings and the student's level is indicated among the successful in  terms of marks:
"Excellence" corresponding to marks 90-100
"Very good" corresponding to marks 80 - 89
"Good" corresponding to marks 70 - 79
"Average" corresponding to marks 60 - 69
"Acceptable" corresponding to marks 50-59
"Failure" corresponding to marks 49 or less
  Secondly - Rounding up fractions of Marks if they are more than half for one subject, and Rounding down if they are less than that.

The president of University or the head of the Institutes Authority upon the recommendation of the college or institute and for critical circumstances exempt the student from the semesters and half-year exams and consider the final exam Marks out of 100 in one or more subjects provided that this authority is used in the narrowest limits and this does not mean exempting the student from attending the college or institute.

 The university council or the Council of the Authority upon the recommendation of the college or institute council not to consider a failure year for the student if he failed in the subjects in which he did not participate in the second tried in the second year because of a reason beyond his control or critical situation during the exam period.
Second - The University Council or the Council of the Authority upon the recommendation of the College or Institute Council allow the student who has failed in the final year for two consecutive years and the failure in the second year with one annual subject or two semester subjects, to participate in the exam in the third year, provided that his situation on military service is sound, and He has not spent the permitted period in the college or institute.

The student's affiliation with the college or institute is terminated in the following two cases:
 First: If he fails two consecutive years in his class.
 Second - If the study period exceeds one and a half the defined period for it, including the years of postponement and failure years  (for college students - the years of postponement do not fall within the mentioned period for students of the Institutes ) and half years are rounded.
 Third - Legal (Second) applies to first-year students in colleges who are admitted in the academic year 1985/1986 and the next years.

If the student cheats in any of the daily, weekly, or final exams, he is considered to have failed in all subjects for that academic year. If this is repeated, his affiliation with the college or institute is terminated.

 The University Council, upon the recommendation of the College Council, may transfer the student who fails in the first year with more than half of the subjects to an appropriate college.
Second - The Authority Council, upon the recommendation of the Institute's Council, may allow a student who fails in the first year with more than half of the subjects to continue studying for a second year or terminate his affiliation with the institute.

  A student may postpone his studies for one year for legitimate reasons that are satisfied by the college or institute council, provided that he submits a request for postponement at least one month before the start of the final exam.
 Second – The president of the university or the head of the Authority, based on the recommendation of the college or institute council, may postpone the student’s studies for a second year and for legitimate reasons that they satisfied with, provided that the postponement request is submitted at least one month before the start of the final exam.
 Third – It is not permissible to postpone the student’s study in colleges or institutes that follow the semester system in the second semester unless it is for a reason beyond his control, and if he is succeed in the first semester, the postponement is considered for the entire academic year.
Fourth - The Minister, based on a recommendation of the University Council or the Institutes Authority, and for legitimate reasons, may be convinced to postpone the student's study for a third year (final postponement), taking in consideration  (the legal  Twenty-first).

A study in the college or institute before the final exam for a period not exceeding three days only.

 University Examination Instructions issued on 21 lst April .1987.


 The instructions are published in the Official newspapers and are considered valid in the academic year 1989-1990.

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research